Robert Sarver Should Stay Out of Phoenix Suns’ Searches

Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports

The Phoenix Suns are on the lookout for a new general manager and could be looking for a new coach as well. There is a lot of pressure on the president of basketball operations, Lon Babby, to make the right decision in this case. There have been reports that the new GM doesn’t necessarily need to have previous experience, but I would have to believe that the Suns went down this road before and don’t want to do it again. It brings me to where owner Robert Sarver fits into this picture.

Sarver has been called one of the worst owners in sports in the past. I’m not sure that is really the case, but even if it is, this is a time where he needs to stay away from the hiring process. I am not a fan of owners meddling in the decision making of people who know the game. Sarver has his background in banking and has a history of trying to run a shoestring budget for his franchise. You can’t afford to do that in this case. I hope that Sarver lets Babby do his job and gets the right person in place no matter the cost.

It would probably end any hopes of big-name free agents coming to town as well since he has shown no interest in doing that in the past. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone like Charles Barkley is looked at as the new GM. It would bring interest to the franchise but probably wouldn’t be the best choice. This is one of those times where the owner needs to take a step back and let other people make decisions.

Andy Schmidt is a columnist/writer for RantSports. Follow him on Twitter @ASchmidtSports, like his Facebook page or add him to your network on Google.

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