Blind Ref Trailer: Will Smith, Jimmy Kimmel, and Metta World Peace Team Up For Hilarious Fake Movie

(Steve Mitchell/USA Today Sports)

When it comes to late-night talk shows, it’s difficult to top Jimmy Kimmel as he’s worked his way towards the top over the years and is arguably one of the funniest hosts on television. So when we found out that Kimmel had teamed up with actor Will Smith to put together a fake movie trailer about a blind man who happens to be a professional basketball referee for a living–you know it’s going to be hysterical.

Smith is the star in the fake movie titled “Blind Ref”–which speaks for itself when it comes to what the movie plot is about. As you can see in the video above, Smith has some trouble officiating calls and getting them correct since he can’t actually see what is going on.

From throwing the ball in one of the player’s faces to trying to hug one of the coaches that wasn’t there, this trailer has plenty of hilarious moments to take away, but there’s nothing that tops the surprise appearance by Metta World Peace. After three officials in the NBA Finals are hospitalized, World Peace appears at one of Smith’s games saying they’re in desperate need of a professional ref.

As bad as it sounds, this fake movie most likely would have been more enjoyable to watch that Smith’s latest project “After Earth”–which is already turning into one of the summer’s biggest movie busts. Props to both Kimmel, Smith, and World Peace for putting together this hilarious video and well done at taking a shot at the Los Angeles Lakers by pretending to have them in the NBA Finals.

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