Will Super Bowl XLVII live up to all the hype?

Roger Goodell

As the countdown begins to the Super Bowl XLVII, or the “Harbowl Bowl” whichever you prefer to call this over-hyped event, now is the time to just enjoy all the festivities that surround the big game; because just like New Years’ Eve, the fun of the Super Bowl is actually before the game. The Super [...]

Enjoy today’s Super Bowl because the Harbowl will be the end of real football in the NFL

Aldon Smith San Francisco 49ers

The Harbowl or Super Bowl XLVII, the real name of the event taking place today, is bigger than the two brothers coaching the teams. What’s getting lost in the hoopla surrounding this Super Bowl, as everyone plays drinking games to the amount of times the term Harbowl is used, is the fact this may be [...]

Philadelphia Eagles are an embarrassment to their fans

Philadelphia Eagles Michael Vick

  The Philadelphia Eagles are a mess, and the mess is much bigger than their 3-5 record, bigger than the fact they could only score six points on five possessions in the red zone against possibly the worst defense ever to play in the  NFL. This mess runs far and has long arms as everyone [...]